With Stratbox Suite
Reduce subsurface uncertainty
and make better decisions
Stratbox Core Explorer
The digital twin of well core data

Stratbox Connect
The digital twin of outcrop geology

Stratbox Analytics
Quantitative outcrop interpretation

Reduce subsurface uncertainty with Collaborative Data Integration in 3D space and powerful analytics

The Stratbox Suite helps geologists and engineers in Energy, Mining, Engineering and Academia, reduce geological uncertainty in investment decisions.

We help organisations collaborate and communicate complex environments, improve interpretations and create a better interaction between multi-disciplinary teams.

The digital twin of well core data

A web-based platform that helps organisations create an integrated, digital twin of their well core and related data. Core Explorer gives multidisciplinary teams on-demand access for real-time collaboration.

Users can harness the power of their digitised internal collections of core data to reduce inter-well subsurface uncertainty, leading to more accurate interpretations.

Powered by the Stratbox Python API for machine learning.

Stratbox Connect available on Desktop and VR

Real-time collaboration with
remote teams

The cutting-edge collaboration platform for professionals working with photogrammetry 3D models. Stratbox Connect gives users remote access to cloud-based datasets, enabling them to collaborate in real time.   Users can share visuals, movements and interpretations from anywhere in the world, while satellite imagery integration enhances the ability to switch between kilometer-scale to outcrop scale.

Available in VR and Desktop.

Quantitative outcrop interpretation

A new, comprehensive module that drastically improves the accuracy of geological analysis. In Stratbox Analytics users can import both georeferenced and local 3D outcrop models derived from photogrammetry or lidar, for analysis and visualization. Images can be overlayed on outcrops and exported as shapefiles.

The interface allows users to arrange interpretations via a layering system, and cluster these based on geological context, making it easier to work with reservoir geomodelling.

Powered by the Stratbox Python API for machine learning.

Stratbox Suite Features

Core Explorer

  • Customisable log panel
  • Core store table
  • Multi-well comparison
  • Automated data integration
  • Interpretation tools
  • Annotations
  • On-demand access
  • Remote collaboration in real time
  • Stratbox Python API
  • Web-based

Core Explorer

  • Access to global outcrop analogues
  • Interpretation tools
  • Remote collaboration
  • Access to satellite imagery
  • Data integration in 3D space
  • Scene creation
  • Available in Desktop (Windows and Mac)
  • Access cloud-based photogrammetry models anytime, anywhere (Enterprise only)
  • Free Access to RPS global outcrop analogues (Academia only)

Connect VR

  • Virtual reality
  • PCVR, Quest and Focus 3
  • Satellite imagery
  • Sketchfab plugin
  • Interpretation tools
  • Remote collaboration
  • Immersiveness
  • VR Scene creation

Core Explorer

  • Import georeferenced or local models
  • Project/overlay images on the outcrops
  • Reference models on satellite imagery
  • Layering system
  • Multi-model scene
  • Interpretation tools
  • Import ground control points
  • Export interpretations as shapefiles
  • Export measurements for dip, strike, true layer thickness
  • Stratbox Python API
  • Available in Desktop
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